Pia Schmidtauer
pia@letswalkinbeauty.com http://www.letswalkinbeauty.com
Biographical Info
Due to curiosity Pia dropped into her first Forrest Yoga class in January 2013 and it was love "at the first Asana". She tried different yoga styles before but this class was the beginning of a love story. Discovering that shoulders do not have to be clued to the ears and that a relaxed neck calms the nerves system changed her life. The intensive romance with Forrest Yoga continued over a year. Finally she took the chance and hopped on the train to the Forrest Yoga Foundation Training 2014 in Peterborough with Ana T. Forrest. She completed her Mentorship Programm the year after and did various Continous Education Trainings (CET) with Sandra Robinson including the CET "Effective Coaching and Assisting". To share her passion of Forrest Yoga Pia teaches classes at bYOGA (1030 Vienna) and at Anshen-Gesundheitszentrum (1210 Vienna). She loves to attend classes and workshops whenever she can to deepen her practise and to light the fire within. Off the mat she loves to dance, hike, swim, read and spend her time in nature.
Attended Trainings
• Foundation Teacher Training in Peterborough 2014 • FYMP with Sandra Heider in Vienna 2015 Round 1 • 6 Day CET for Effective Coaching and Assisting with Sandra Robinson - Peterborough - 2017 • Fy 300hr Teacher Training 2020 • Training Module with Sandra Robinson - Edinburgh - 2019