Jambo Truong
jambo@jamboyoga.com http://www.jambodragon.com
Biographical Info
Jambo is an Integrated Health Consultant (Bsc(HONS) Complementary Medickne) with a multi-disciplinary practise. He has studied Classical East Asian Medicine, Ayruvedic Medicine & Musculo-Skeletal Medicine. He specialises in functional anatomy & mobility by bringing into his teaching style diagnostic techniques from Applied Kinesiology, Musculoskeletal-Kinetic & Orthopaedic Testing. His passion is to teach the therapeutic benefits of Forrest Yoga and to offer sound reasons as to why we practise in the way that we do based on his own clinical background as well as evidence based practise. He is a Forrest Yoga Guardian and has been travelling assistant to Ana Forrest for 6 years. He currently travels internationally to teach workshops in Forrest Yoga & Functional Anatomy. Jambo is also the head of a research team in Well-Bring & Complexities Studies (including Yoga Research) and is associated with the Univeristy of Newcastle, Northumbria & Cape Town. When he is not teaching he can be found speaking on-line or at conferences such as TEDx. See his video on 'Mindful Breathing'. In his spare time he likes to explore movement from bodyweight all the way to lifting weights. He has developed a language to bring closer the world of Yoga, Allopathic Medicine and Sports Medicine.
Attended Trainings
• Foundation Teacher Training, Houston, 2011