A weekend of Forrest Yoga with Jambo Truong


Event details

  • 10-14-2017 12:00 to 10-15-2017 14:00
  • nan

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A weekend of Forrest Yoga with Jambo Truong

10-14-2017 12:00 to 10-15-2017 14:00
October 14, 2017



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A weekend of Forrest Yoga with Jambo Truong

10-14-2017 12:00 to 10-15-2017 14:00
October 14, 2017


I Am Enough Part 2, 2:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Working on this theme in our lives is worth re-visiting, re-learning & re-memorising. The habits we pick up that remind us we are not enough are practised far more regularly than feeling the truth that we are indeed enough.
You’ll learn new techniques to use in your yoga practice and in your life, helping you to take the first step, and then many more steps, when walking away from your past and into more life. These techniques are versatile and can be shared with your loved ones and students/clients. They are gentle yet powerful reminders that break useless patterns and help re-create worthwhile moments that feed self-esteem.

Expect new songs, meditations and a brand new approach to poses such as abdominals that will demonstrate that working in a kinder way with yourself has a hugely beneficial impact on the rest of your yoga poses and movements in life.

End The War Inside, 2:30 PM – 6:30 PM

This workshop’s an introduction to how Jambo has been practicing and teaching for the past year. Working with what’s in your way is a huge step towards releasing all the stuff that’s getting in the way of more life. Each stumbling block can be transformed into a practice of self-understanding which leads to further self-compassion. This workshop, following on from 'I Am Enough' will add additional tools to your self-esteem kit!
Jambo will share a deeper meditation practise from the Taoist tradition and a technique that has helped him and others recognise when an internal war is running them and distracting them from the reality of life. You’ll learn how to sit with it in such a way that it teaches you how to hold space for yourself and others.

You’ll then use a Forrest Yoga practice to celebrate the peace that you’ve co-created inside.

Investment: £98 Full Weekend / £58 One Day

>> Find out more about the weekend with Jambo