10-Day Yoga Bodyworkers Training


Event details

  • 10-05-2016 12:00 to 10-14-2016 14:00
  • nan

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10-Day Yoga Bodyworkers Training

10-05-2016 12:00 to 10-14-2016 14:00
October 5, 2016



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10-Day Yoga Bodyworkers Training

10-05-2016 12:00 to 10-14-2016 14:00
October 5, 2016


Yoga Ceremony, MyoFascial Bodywork, Muscle Activation and Magic!

This 80 hour course is designed to meet the needs of the participants involved. The purpose of this program is to teach people how their body works, what is happening when things go off, and how to use Forrest Yoga, Muscle Function Testing, & MyoFascial Release Bodywork to discern and decrease pain and compensation patterns.

The many different body types, injuries, and postural dysfunctions represented by the students in each training develops the flow, order, and relevancy of the material taught.

The basic outline: Over 10-Days we will be using Ceremony, Forrest Yoga Asana, & Bodywork to go deeply into the body’s muscular-fascial relationships, why it is important to know what connects what to what and what is influencing what, and the emotional components of the body/mind and how trapped energy influences structure, mood, & physiology.
Each day includes plenty of hands-on work including how to locate, muscle test, stretch in Asana, and perform myofascial release Bodywork on the 16 most influencing structural muscles.

You will not be the same person after this course. You will have a much vaster appreciation for your own body and in your ability to comprehend and see-through the many different layers of helping another.

Course Includes:

  • 2.5 Hour Daily Yoga Asana
  • Ceremonial Work for going deeper into our Life, Anatomy, & Yoga
  • Designated Q&A time for Yoga Sequencing, Injuries, & Bodywork
  • Slide-Show & Video Anatomy Presentations
  • Take home Zip Drive of Slide-Show
  • Exploring the MyoFascial Meridians through Movement & Touch
  • Muscle Testing & Activation Training
  • Yoga Asana Hand’s on Assisting Skills Training
  • MyoFascial Bodywork Training
  • Level 1 YogaBodyworkers Foundation Training Certification